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Good news! Anonymous Pet has been found!

Lost Date August 3rd, 6:00am
Wearing collar? No
Last seen at 16 Burden Crescent, Ajax, ON, Canada
Found Date August 3rd, 7:40pm
Abby is exclusively an indoor cat. She must’ve somehow got out in the evening and we didn’t notice until we spotted her on our footage from our outdoor security camera in our backyard 8:30am (she was seen on 6am footage). She usually responds to us calling her name in high-pitched silly voices but I imagine she’s scared. She is chubby and is not wearing a collar, but has a bald patch around her neck from a reaction to a previous collar. She is microchipped and chip information is up-to-date and functioning (was scanned as a test at the vet recently). She will be very thirsty (and hungry).


pet found at marker location on map

Anonymous Pet

This pet's privacy settings have been configured not to display information on their public profile.
Tag Code L1SMSLP, L1SCNF8 (Expired)
Breed Domestic Shorthair
Species Cat

Basic Information

Colour Calico
Gender Female
Spayed/Neutered Yes
Microchip Number --982009105995332
Approximate Age 15 years old
Identifying Markings White spot between eyes. All 4 paws are white but front right leg is tan (above paw, all the way up to near shoulder. Bald ring around neck from reaction to wearing a collar years ago.
Coat Healthy, shiny
Pet Biography We went to adopt 2 cats from a foster home with Action Volunteers for Animals. The 2 cats we’d been inquiring about were too ill, so the rescuer suggested Venice and Abby, who were sisters and just brought in that morning. We brought them home and they got very sick with upper respiratory infections. Abby is a noisy breather when relaxed, suspected to be from scarring from illness.

Owner Information